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Fine current adjustment dial

Visual current adjustment scale

Cable with electrode holder clamp

Cable with ground clamp 

For shielded electrode processes (SMAW) sizes:

6013: 3/32", 1/8", 5/32", 3/16", 1/4"

7018: 3/32", 1/8", 5/32", 3/16", 1/4"

110 V Connection - Power supply: 1100V/75A A/ 1 phase / 60 Hz - V.A.C step 2: 78 V A.C - Current range step: 50 to 155 A A.C./ 140 to 150 A D.C. - Power: 8.3 KVA  

220 V Connection - Power supply: 220V/60A/ 1 phase / 60 Hz - V.A.C step 2: 77 V A.C/ 69 V D.C. - Current range step: 50 to 250 A A.C./ 140 to 170 A D.C.  - Power: 13.2 KVA - Net weight: 141 lb - Duty cycle: 2 min. work x 8 min. rest 

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