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Maximum reach

Pulley and rope system

Anti-slip D-rungs

Anti-slip pads

Aluminium construction

Quick latch rung lock

ESE-16: Height no extension: 8" - Maximum reach: 15" - Maximum work length: 13" - Volume: 4.6 ft - Weight: 18 lb

ESE-20: Height no extension: 10" - Maximum reach: 19" - Maximum work length: 17" - Volume: 6.7 ft - Weight: 22 lb

ESE-24: Height no extension: 12" - Maximum reach: 23" - Maximum work length: 21" - Volume: 7.8 ft - Weight: 29 lb

ESE-28: Height no extension: 14" - Maximum reach: 27" - Maximum work length: 25" - Volume: 9.2 ft - Weight: 38 lb

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